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Welcome to the Homegrown Podcast, the home of The Life Of A Kunt, a fantastical serial.

May 26, 2006

Dancing Shoes on for...

Andrew Stone - Understand
Listen With Sarah - My Crows Soft Sounds
The Truth Hurts - What About Henry
Samba Mapangala & Orchestra Virunga - Nyama Choma
Graham McClure - Grace
Trailer Star - Henrys Night
Stillman - The Hand That Feeds

Elvis McGonagall - I'm A Believer
David Henry - The Old Breakwater

Mention in the programme -  Flying Shoes Radio hosted by Shaun Belcher

Please vote for my poem PG in the current competition of Slam Idol

Ideas for the programme I'm kicking around a couple of ideas relating to specifically focussing on the process of creating / writing music or poetry. I'm looking at maybe producing an occasional special Homegrown Song Circle whereby we focus on 2 or three artists performing a couple of stripped down versions of songs. The other idea is for a small weekly spotlight on songwriting/music creation with an artist explaining a little about how a piece came to be. Both of these ideas need your contributions to work. If you an artist who has sent stuff into me or planning to send stuff and you have the ability to either record a short audio file about the writing process or drop down an explination in an e-mail then please do. Equally if you have acoustic versions of songs please send those. I will see what the response it like and keep you posted.

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Andrew K. Stone
almost nineteen years ago

Hi Nic,

Thanks for playing my song, Understand. I\'m going into the studio in June to start work on a \"proper\" album, and will let you know as I get tracks finished. In the meantime, please keep on putting out this great show -- I\'m really enjoying all the talent here. It\'s a too-tempted diversion from writing my next novel. You\'re a lovely snake proffering a lovelier iApple ... (now, let\'s hope I don\'t get sued by the Beatles or Mac for that one).

Thanks again!

All best,

Andrew K. Stone